Arstad Family

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Candle lighting on Sunday the 10th

I wanted to share this with you all. On Sunday, the 10th at 7:00pm local time, all over the planet, there will be candle lighting ceremonies to remember children who have died. This is sponsored by Compassionate Friends, a group which helps families deal with the loss of children and other loved ones. I have been invited to join the local grief support group here, and bring a candle to honor Evan. If you would like, perhaps you would light a candle that evening with his memory in mind.

Here is a website talking a little about this:

I have had a difficult time since Thanksgiving, I think being with family was so wonderful, and poignant in his absence. The grief comes and goes in waves. My dog had a seizure today, and the fear of losing him came on irrationally and so strong, I could hardly continue teaching. ( Buddy goes with me to school.)
Anyway, I hope you will join me in thoughts or with a candle lit on Sunday in Evan's memory.


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