Arstad Family

Friday, December 22, 2006

The elf link

This is the link to mysELF. I wanted to keep it here for posterity....truly a family classic, don't you think? Maybe others of you can add your own sELVES to the mix?

Friday, December 15, 2006

Damien is coming, damien is coming

I am going to the airport in Denver tomorrow (5 hours away) to pick Damien up. I am excited to see him and to share a few weeks with him here.
He is mythic in his absence from Crestone. A friend overheard 3 twelve year olds talking about him last week:
"Dja hear Damien is coming?" "Yeah, and he has long sideburns now" "Howdya know about that?" "His mom has a picture." I bet he can do back flips by now on his snowboard" "Yeah, maybe he'll come snowboarding with school and show us how."
See? Maybe we should all move away, and get bigger than life....

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


So, I hope this works! I've never used a blog before. I wanted to post a picture, but our computer was erased and now we need a new hard drive. So no pictures till we install a one. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well. Can't wait till January 6th...BOWLING!!! :)

Candle lighting on Sunday the 10th

I wanted to share this with you all. On Sunday, the 10th at 7:00pm local time, all over the planet, there will be candle lighting ceremonies to remember children who have died. This is sponsored by Compassionate Friends, a group which helps families deal with the loss of children and other loved ones. I have been invited to join the local grief support group here, and bring a candle to honor Evan. If you would like, perhaps you would light a candle that evening with his memory in mind.

Here is a website talking a little about this:

I have had a difficult time since Thanksgiving, I think being with family was so wonderful, and poignant in his absence. The grief comes and goes in waves. My dog had a seizure today, and the fear of losing him came on irrationally and so strong, I could hardly continue teaching. ( Buddy goes with me to school.)
Anyway, I hope you will join me in thoughts or with a candle lit on Sunday in Evan's memory.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

How does this look?

The Arstad family (including the Asps, Jeffreys, Yamakawas, Mayos) recently had a reunion, and I offered to set this up, as a way of keeping connected. I hope that each of us can add things here that we might want to share with one another.

For example, here is a pic of those of us who were together for Evan's cremation, taken at the airport in Alamosa, 60 miles south of Crestone.

I'll email information to each on my family list as to how to work this. Comments are always welcome also--to do that you just need to click on the comments link at the bottom of each posting. You can create your own free account with Blogger, this blog host, so that you can add your own postings.

Love you all!